Oral History Collection Catalog for New MexicoIn 2008 the Oral History Program adopted and updated the Oral History Collection Catalog for New Mexico (1988, 1993). This comprehensive guide provides information about all known oral history collections throughout New Mexico, as well as those in adjacent states which have New Mexico-related content. Each institution is profiled with complete contact information and descriptions of its projects, finding aids, and availability to the public. The 3rd edition of the OHCC guide is made available on this web site in part by a grant from the New Mexico Historical Records Advisory Board. Click here to download the catalog (1.5 mb). The Oral History Program plans to revise and reissue the OHCC in a Statehood Centennial/4th edition in about 2012 or 2013. If you have additions or corrections that we need to include in the next edition, contact the Oral History Program Director at (575) 522-4100. |